Property Report
This property, located at Flat 4, Ty Cynradd, Heol Cynradd, Pencoed, CF35 6SZ, is a 47 square meter flat. It has a property score of 996 and an energy rating of B, indicating a relatively high level of energy efficiency. The property has high performance glazing, a boiler and radiators with mains gas heating, and a current energy consumption of 107 units. It has been well-maintained, with no reported issues with flooding. The property is in a town centre location, Bridgend, and has a running cost of £345 per month. It was last sold in 2019 for £165,000. - Based on our analysis, this property has a HomeScore of 996 out of 999.

Flat 4, Ty Cynradd, Heol Cynradd, Pencoed, CF35 6SZ
Built Date Unknown
Official EPC Reports
Property Maintenance Budget
* This home's yearly maintenance budget is calculated using valuation and build date data.
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Flood Risk
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Running Costs
Heating Costs
Current Heating Costs
Potential Heating Costs
Potential Savings
Hot Water Costs
Current Hot Water Costs
Potential Hot Water Costs
Potential Savings
Lighting Costs
Current Lighting Costs
Potential Lighting Costs
Potential Savings
Heating System
CO2 Emission
Average UK household produces 6 tonnes of carbon dioxide every year.
Current Emissions
Potential Emissions
*Estimated CO2 Emissions produced by the Property in a 12 month period.
Energy Consumption
Value is Kilowatt Hours per Square Metre (kWh/m²)
Current Estimated Total
Energy Consumption
Estimated Potential Total
Energy Consumption
*Estimated values for your home in a 12 month period.