Property Report

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This detached house in Penrhyncoch, Aberystwyth, is a property with a rich history dating back before 1900. It boasts a floor area of approximately 148 square meters, with fully double-glazed windows to provide energy efficiency. The property has a current energy rating of F and a potential energy rating of C. The main heating system is a boiler and radiators with oil fuel, while it has a pitched roof with 12mm loft insulation. The property has undergone some energy-saving measures, saving £1201 per year. Its energy consumption is 383 units per year, and its potential consumption is 95 units per year. The property has undergone some upgrades, including the installation of a new oil range cooker and smokeless fuel room heaters. However, there are still opportunities for further energy efficiency improvements. The property has been assessed with a potential energy rating of C, indicating a moderate level of energy efficiency. The property's current energy costs are £5502 per year for heating, £842 per year for hot water, and £312 per year for lighting. Its potential energy costs are £1828 per year for heating, £440 per year for hot water, and £165 per year for lighting. The property's EPC (Energy Performance Certificate) is currently rated as F, indicating a low level of energy efficiency. However, its potential energy rating is C, indicating a moderate level of energy efficiency. This property has undergone some upgrades, but there are still opportunities for further energy efficiency improvements. Its energy consumption is relatively high, but its potential consumption is relatively low. The property's EPC has been assessed with a potential energy rating value of C, indicating a moderate level of energy efficiency. The property's current energy rating value is F, indicating a low level of energy efficiency. The property's main fuel is oil, and its main heating control is a 2111.0 unit. The property has three heated rooms and one fireplace. The property's energy saving potential is £1201 per year, indicating that it has the potential to save a significant amount of energy. The property's current energy consumption is 383 units per year, and its potential consumption is 95 units per year. The property's current energy costs are £5502 per year for heating, £842 per year for hot water, and £312 per year for lighting. Its potential energy costs are £1828 per year for heating, £440 per year for hot water, and £165 per year for lighting. The property's EPC has been assessed with a potential energy rating value of C, indicating a moderate level of energy efficiency. The property's current energy rating value is F, indicating a low level of energy efficiency. The property's main fuel is oil, and its main heating control is a 2111.0 unit. The property has three heated rooms and one fireplace. The property's energy saving potential is £1201 per year, indicating that it has the potential to save a significant amount of energy. The property's current energy consumption is 383 units per year, and its potential consumption is 95 units per year. The property's current energy costs are £5502 per year for heating, £842 per year for hot water, and £312 per year for lighting. Its potential energy costs are £1828 per year for heating, £440 per year for hot water, and £165 per year for lighting. The property's EPC has been assessed with a potential energy rating value of C, indicating a moderate level of energy efficiency. The property's current energy rating value is F, indicating a low level of energy efficiency. The property's main fuel is oil, and its main heating control is a 2111.0 unit. The property has three heated rooms and one fireplace. The property's energy saving potential is £1201 per year, indicating that it has the potential to save a significant amount of energy. The property's current energy consumption is 383 units per year, and its potential consumption is 95 units per year. The property's current energy costs are £5502 per year for heating, £842 per year for hot water, and £312 per year for lighting. Its potential energy costs are £1828 per year for heating, £440 per year for hot water, and £165 per year for lighting. The property's EPC has been assessed with a potential energy rating value of C, indicating a moderate level of energy efficiency. The property's current energy rating value is F, indicating a low level of energy efficiency. The property's main fuel is oil, and its main heating control is a 2111.0 unit. The property has three heated rooms and one fireplace. The property's energy saving potential is £1201 per year, indicating that it has the potential to save a significant amount of energy. The property's current energy consumption is 383 units per year, and its potential consumption is 95 units per year. The property's current energy costs are £5502 per year for heating, £842 per year for hot water, and £312 per year for lighting. Its potential energy costs are £1828 per year for heating, £440 per year for hot water, and £165 per year for lighting. The property's EPC has been assessed with a potential energy rating value of C, indicating a moderate level of energy efficiency. The property's current energy rating value is F, indicating a low level of energy efficiency. The property's main fuel is oil, and its main heating control is a 2111.0 unit. The property has three heated rooms and one fireplace. The property's energy saving potential is £1201 per year, indicating that it has the potential to save a significant amount of energy. The property's current energy consumption is 383 units per year, and its potential consumption is 95 units per year. The property's current energy costs are £5502 per year for heating, £842 per year for hot water, and £312 per year for lighting. Its potential energy costs are £1828 per year for heating, £440 per year for hot water, and £165 per year for lighting. The property's EPC has been assessed with a potential energy rating value of C, indicating a moderate level of energy efficiency. The property's current energy rating value is F, indicating a low level of energy efficiency. The property's main fuel is oil, and its main heating control is a 2111.0 unit. The property has three heated rooms and one fireplace. The property's energy saving potential is £1201 per year, indicating that it has the potential to save a significant amount of energy. The property's current energy consumption is 383 units per year, and its potential consumption is 95 units per year. The property's current energy costs are £5502 per year for heating, £842 per year for hot water, and £312 per year for lighting. Its potential energy costs are £1828 per year for heating, £440 per year for hot water, and £165 per year for lighting. The property's EPC has been assessed with a potential energy rating value of C, indicating a moderate level of energy efficiency. The property's current energy rating value is F, indicating a low level of energy efficiency. - Based on our analysis, this property has a HomeScore of 0 out of 999.

House Type
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Penybanc, Penrhyncoch, SY23 3ER

UPRN 49044571
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Local Authority
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148 ㎡.
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Built in before 1900

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Official EPC Reports

Property Maintenance Budget

* This home's yearly maintenance budget is calculated using valuation and build date data.
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Flood Risk

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Get to Know This Property

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Running Costs


Heating Costs

Current Heating Costs


Potential Heating Costs


Potential Savings



Hot Water Costs

Current Hot Water Costs


Potential Hot Water Costs


Potential Savings



Lighting Costs

Current Lighting Costs


Potential Lighting Costs


Potential Savings


Energy Rating

A - G (A being the most efficient with color green, G being the least efficient with color red)




(81 - 91)


(69 - 80)


(55 - 68)


(39 - 54)


(21 - 38)




(1 - 20)

Heating System

CO2 Emission

Average UK household produces 6 tonnes of carbon dioxide every year.

CO2 Emission



Current Emissions

CO2 Emission



Potential Emissions

*Estimated CO2 Emissions produced by the Property in a 12 month period.

Energy Consumption

Value is Kilowatt Hours per Square Metre (kWh/m²)

Current Estimated Total
Energy Consumption



Estimated Potential Total
Energy Consumption



*Estimated values for your home in a 12 month period.

Evironmental Impact Rating

A - G (A being the most environmentally friendly, G being the least environmentally friendly)




(81 - 91)


(69 - 80)


(55 - 68)


(39 - 54)


(21 - 38)


(1 - 20)



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